Registered Charity Number 1089034

The objects of the Trust are to advance the Christian faith in Burscough and other such parts of the UK or world as the trustees from time to time think fit in any of the following ways:

  • To advance education in accordance with the Christian faith amongst children and young people including those in schools, colleges and other educational establishments
  • To relieve persons who are in conditions of need or hardship or who are aged or sick and to relieve the distress caused thereby
  • To promote and fulfil any such other charitable purposes in furtherance of the above objects as the Trustees from time to time determine

Youth & Children’s Work

The Youth & Children’s Co-ordinators oversee a wide ranging programme of midweek and weekend activities for children and young people of all ages – from babies and toddlers to older teenagers. As well as weekly youth clubs and meetings, they oversee creative groups for young people (puppet group, youth band) and regularly take young people on residential and outward bound trips.

Pastoral Work

The Pastoral Co-ordinator oversees pastoral care within the parish, looking after a large team of volunteers who provide care such as

  • visiting the sick, elderly and isolated
  • providing practical support such as lifts and emergency meals in time of need
  • regular visiting of local care homes
  • supporting those that have been bereaved

As well as being involved in this day to day care, the co-ordinator provides training and support for the volunteers.

Further Information

The Trust occasionally helps to fund overseas projects where there is a link with people in Burscough and in particular has supported work in Paraguay and Belarus which members of St John’s are involved in. The Trust also makes occasional grants to individuals who have a link with the parish church in Burscough if their work or study is in accordance with the aims of the Burscough Outreach Trust, although in general the Trust is not a grant making organisation.